Meet Ahly our new business manager

Can I let go? Yes I can!

As part of the changes to Southern Cross Flutes, my partner Ahly has stepped up to fill the shoes I thought could never be filled. Mine. In the capacity of keeping the business of Southern Cross Flutes moving and growing. And Lo! she has tidied and systemized the office and business processes – everything that was only in my head – is now down on file and being improved. It’s a huge relief for me as I was juggling way too many balls.

I’ve realised that I needed this methodical approach in order for me to feel able to let go of running the business. I simply couldn’t hand over to a lesser person.

Ahly has been with Southern Cross Flutes since its early days – stepping in to give me toilet breaks at the markets, and then taking on the development of a new website for Southern Cross Flutes, not once, not twice, but three times. She’s our story teller and content queen, working closely with our designer and web developer.

The website project was huge. I started out re-writing all the content, and through this process, I became very familiar with all the parts of the flute business.

Moving forward

More recently Ahly has taken on the perhaps more mundane tasks of packaging and posting out your flutes. When I walk into the Flute Office, there she is, happily singing her mantra and chants while she wraps each flute into a beautiful package.

“The whole experience of receiving a flute starts with receiving the box and unwrapping it. There are so many customers who claim it’s like Christmas when they receive their flute” says Ahly “I want to put the same care and attention that goes into making the flute, into packaging it too. Care and attentiveness right to the very end”.

Ahly is in the process of taking on the huge responsibility of talking to and communicating with customers’ enquiries and orders. She works closely with Bruce to ensure all questions are being answered with expert advise and in a timely way. The smooth running of the workshop and office are now in the hands of someone other than me. I never believed it could happen to be honest, there was so much stuck in my head, but I am very grateful that this transition is happening.


Director and Founder of Southern Cross Flutes.

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