Thank you to our dear customers from around the world who have written to us, telling us about their new flute from us – it brings us a lot of joy to hear from you, and how your flute is responding to its new life with you.
More testimonials can be read on our Testimonials Page.
Rob from New Zealand
From Southern Cross Flutes, Rob has:
- A minor Western Red Cedar Grandfather Flute
- D minor Ancient Kauri Grandfather Flute
- F# minor Love Flute
Hi Ahly, Bruce, the flutes have arrived safely! Will take me some time to get to know them. Beautiful authentic flutes!!
Glad you suggested I should get a Kauri flute. The Bm is amazing. As I play it for the first time I am looking at the Aquarius full moon. Owls are hooting all around me. The Kauri flute sounds, even with my limited skills, deep and responds to the owl so well. She moves with soul, a soulful song the owls know so well. I look forward to playing her amongst the ancient kauris here. When we love trees they thrive on our love. And being separated is of no benefit to either of us. In this time we need nature and the Kauris more than ever. The Kauri flute sings of the song of the sorrow of our separation from each other, from nature, from our soul. And she entices us back to who we truly are, at one with nature and the universe.
– Rob
Me again!
I just had to tell you! I was holding my new Cedar flute in both hands and I can feel a beautiful wonderful energy from the timber. I am sending this because I would like Bruce to know that he puts a beautiful energy into the wood and that allows for the wood to speak, with the heart. These flutes are a spiritual tool to re-connect. … The creator of the flute is as important as the material that is used, probably even more important. Like with cooking, the true quality of the dish is determined by the cook and not just the ingredients.
– Rob
Axel from Norway
From Southern Cross Flutes, Axel has:
- Ancient Kauri G minor Love Flute
- Puriri G minor Forest Flute (one for each of his older children)
I am an Oslo based yoga teacher who lives with my partner and three kids right on a peninsula right outside of the capital. At the age of 25 I got introduced to the native american flutes through a medicine prayer ceremony and was haunted by the sound calling my soul to play these magnificent instruments. Now I am thrilled to be able to share the joy of playing these flutes with my children from an early age on. Thank you!
– Axel
Chancellor from USA
From Southern Cross Flutes, Chancellor has a:
- Black Walnut G Hijaz Temple Drone Flute
Dear Southern Cross Flutes,
I have received what has now become my newest journey into the world of ancient melodies, Greek, Egyptian, and otherwise, with this exquisitely carved temple drone; friends and family are in awe from the craftsmanship.
The totems are striking! The Hijaz melodies accompanied by the green gaze of the serpents are astounding.
When playing, it stirs a hunger inside me to master those melodic notes. The only other elation I could currently have would be visiting the workshop! Perhaps the days ahead will get me to the enchanting realm of New Zealand.
Your passion for your craft and the skills it shows, go beyond expectation, for which I never doubted. Thank you.
Forever Grateful,
– Chancellor
Gillian from UK
From Southern Cross Flutes, Gillian has:
- Black Walnut A minor Love Flute
I hope you are still all well at Southern Cross Flutes. I have been enjoying Todd’s book ‘Enchanting Journeys’, he is so good at teaching. His story of how he came to make flutes and play them so beautifully is quite captivating. I am using my little Red Kite Flute in high C but always in my heart is the thought of receiving the black walnut Love Flute in G from Southern Cross.
I am delighted to tell you that my aches and pains aren’t too bad and my love for the Native American Flute far outweighs any discomfort. I have just bought ‘Beneath the Raven Moon’ by Mary Youngblood, it feeds my spirit.
I wish you and Todd a blessed Christmas and a healthy and fulfilling 2021.
Warmest wishes,
– Gillian
Hi Ahly, Bruce, Roger
The flute has arrived and is beautiful. Thank you all as a team and also please thank Bruce for creating such a stunning instrument, I can’t tell you what a joy it is to play it. The tone is so warm. This is on a par with my taking delivery of my Bechstein grand when I was studying piano. I got a bank loan to get that!
I’m really lost for words to describe how I feel about being able to play a flute like this. I’ve named it Raven Moon as it’s the first piece I have learned to play (from ear after hearing Mary Youngblood on the CD. Thank you Todd, Bruce, Roger and you at Southern Cross Flutes. 🙂
– Gillian
Sebastian from Germany / Turkey
From Southern Cross Flutes, Sebastian has:
- Ancient Kauri Low B Hijaz Drone Flute
- Black Maire F# Hijaz Love Flute
- Black Maire B minor Forest Flute
Dear Ahly,
Dear Todd,
Dear Bruce,
Today was the day (26.12.2020) – my flutes arrived! I was super excited and unpacked them immediately. My son wanted to play them right away as well :-). I must say, I am blown away by their sound and their beauty! You guys did a superb job – no, much more than a job, you created pieces of art. Especially the drone flute has such a deep impact on me, it feels like an old friend has returned back home. And when I play her, I fall in trance myself immediately by its sound. I can hear the call of history, a healing voice long waited for to be heard..
Thank you so much!!!
Very warmly,
– Sebastian
Alan from USA
From Southern Cross Flutes, Alan has:
- Western Red Cedar F# minor Contrabass Flute
Hello Ahly, and Bruce,
I have received my flute! WOW!! Amazing!
Thank you so very much.
It has been worth the wait.
Excellent craftsmanship. Amazingly low mesmerizing tones.
I love it! I love the fabric cover too! Thank you.
Cheers and Blessings!
– Alan
Jim from USA
From Southern Cross Flutes, Jim has:
- Red Beech F# minor Temple Drone Flute
- Western Red Cedar B minor Grandfather Flute
- Black Walnut B minor Forest Flute
- Black Walnut C# minor Forest Flute
Hi Ahly, Bruce, Roger
My flutes arrived yesterday, one day earlier than scheduled. Thank you so much for these beautiful flutes. The tone is fantastic, they play really well and look incredible. I am very happy with them. Please thank Bruce. I appreciate the dedication to detail and I see the thought he put into the build.
Thank you,
– Jim
Johan from Sweden
From Southern Cross Flutes, Johan has:
- Western Red Cedar C minor Grandfather Flute
Hi Ahly, Bruce, Todd, just wanted to say that I received the flute and it all went great. It is truly a beautiful flute and the smell of the cedar is wonderful! The tone and the feeling is everything I hoped for, this is really a great tool and daily reminder to ground in the breath and connect with the present moment! So happy I decided to order from you! Say thanks to Todd and Bruce for me!
Best wishes from Sweden
– Johan
Creative | Visual & Sound
Chase from Hawaii
From Southern Cross Flutes, Chase has:
- Black Walnut Love Flute
Aloha Todd,
[Three years on and] I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the flute you made for me. It’s beyond beautiful and a stunning piece of art. The gratitude I have for this flute and the love you put into making it is beyond words. Thank you!!
Much love,
– Chase
Naomi from Australia
From Southern Cross Flutes, Naomi has:
- Ancient Kauri A minor Grandfather Flute
Hi Ahly, Todd and Bruce (and anyone else who had a hand in my lovely flute!!)
My beautiful flute arrived today! WOW!!! I am stoked! I cried when I unwrapped it! To finally see this flute after all the months of discussion and imagining…. goodness it is something else! It truly touched my heart 🙂
It sits in my hands like it has always been there and plays absolutely beautifully. Thank you so much – Bruce, you are a genius! I feel your spirit and passion for your craft, especially as I lightly stroke the carved eagle’s head.
Iiam so looking forward to growing and learning with this beautiful flute 🙂
Thanks again
All the best
– Naomi
Knut from Norway
From Southern Cross Flutes, Knut has:
- Ancient Kauri F# minor Contrabass Flute
Hi Ahly! Bruce!
I am now back home and have unboxed the flute and started playing it. It exceeds all my expectations! It really speaks to my soul! I became acquainted with the native american style flute in a shamanistic meeting last autumn and was immediately drawn to it. I played a recorder in school and later a sax for some years so I had some experience with wind instruments. After the shamanistic meeting I have tried a couple of flutes in a higher pitch, but I soon learned through Todd’s videos on Youtube that the Southern Sross Flutes Contrabass flute in the key of F# would be the ultimate flute to play. And now I have it! I think it is a way to contribute to the world’s betterment to bring these frequencies out. Thanks a lot!
Best regards,
– Knut
Jesus from Spain
From Southern Cross Flutes, Jesus has:
- Purir B minor Forest Flute
- Western Red Cedar F/C minor Mayan Temple Flute
- Ancient Kauri D minor Temple Drone Flute
I think Southern Cross Flutes are the Rolls Royce of Native American Style Flutes ….., not only because for me they are the most beautiful I have ever seen, but because of their sound and, furthermore, it helps that Tood is a great musical performer.
– Jesus
John from USA
From Southern Cross Flutes, John has:
- Ancient Kauri F# minor Love Flute
- Western Red Cedar F minor Love Flute
- Western Red Cedar D minor Grandfather Flute
- Black Walnut B minor Forest Flute
Dear Ahly and Bruce
The new flute arrived yesterday. I couldn’t wait to open it and try it out. It arrived in perfect condition, is beautiful to look at and hold, and has a wonderful low voice. The fingering works even though it is a large flute and it is effortless to produce a wonderful, soft sound that is very melodious. It is the lowest key and the longest flute in my growing collection I have, but like my other flutes from Todd, the ones I reach for first.
Thank you for making this happen.
Warmest regards,
– John
Thank you so much for the free guidebook! I just downloaded it and am pouring over and can hardly put it down. I know it will provide many hours of helpful information and instruction on my journey with the Native American Style flute. Discovering the flute and now soon to own three of your flutes ( the finest flutes I own since starting my collecting last September when I learned I have prostate cancer—treatment is working) . Playing for a few minutes at various times of the day is so therapeutic and renewing that I feel it is a gift God sent to me.
Thank you for being there and for my discovering your wonderful family of artists. I am very fortunate.
– John
Ryan from UK
From Southern Cross Flutes, Ryan has:
- Ancient Kauri C minor Grandfather Drone Flute
Hi Ahly and Bruce,
Allow me to commend the entire team at Southern Cross Flutes.
My drone grandfather flute is a work of art and has been a constant companion to me throughout lockdown and will be in the future.
The sound is wonderful and I managed to get the vibrato going on the first night!
Thanks so much for crafting this beautiful instrument from a piece of beautiful wood!
Kind regards and stay safe!
– Ryan
George from USA
From Southern Cross Flutes, George has:
- Ancient Kauri F# minor Love Flute
The flute arrived today. It’s so beautiful! I will treasure it.
Thank you for the beautiful craftsmanship. The sound is so pure.
I am so satisfied with this beautiful flute. I am shocked at how easy it was to begin playing this with no previous experience. I have named the baboon totem character “mlezi wa falimibi”. This is Swahili for “guardian of the flute” and I have named the flute “nilch’i sin” which is Navajo for “wind song”. It is so pleasurable to hold this beautiful piece of craftsmanship made of this ancient wood and hear the pure notes that flow out so beautifully and fill my room and spirit.
Thank you again,
– George
Louise from USA
From Southern Cross Flutes, Louise has:
- Ancient Kauri A minor Grandfather Flute
So excited!!!!!
Our annual Native American PowWow is here in Vero this weekend. It’s called Thunder on the Beach. My daughter and I went out to watch the dancing and listen to the music and to soak up the sounds of flutes. There was a flute vendor there, and I’ve never felt more sure of my Southern Cross purchase (and I haven’t even played it yet!) than when I saw, handled, and played those. Yours are a work of art. These ones? Not so much! And I just know that your sounds will carry me away.
I’ll definitely reach out once I’ve met my new baby.
Thank you,
– Louise
Please tell Todd how absolutely thrilled I am with my new baby already affectionately named “Kauri.” I haven’t been this excited about opening a package since a childhood Christmas. The sound is exquisite. More than I could have hoped for.
Thank you all from the bottom of my musical heart.
– Louise
This is a testimonial to Todd and Southern Cross Flutes. How I got to know Southern Cross Flutes I cant rememeber, .. I do remember these things. Ross Scott playing his newly acquired flutes in the caves of Piha beach, and his photo on the album produced. I know Sika Rose well and his flutes, and didgeridoos, and other journeys, and Chewy Mark Wilson, another fan of the flutes. I still have the plastic flute i bought from Todd when dropping in to see him on a trip to Wellington. What I do know is that Todds skill, enthusiasm and generosity lives on, it appears. Its my dream to own and play a real Southern Cross Flute.
Ian Drower